Rio police killed over 1000 people last year. Now Jair Bolsonaro’s neofascist gubernatorial ally says he wants police snipers to assassinate low level drug traffickers in favelas. By Gabriel Deslandes The new Rio de Janeiro Governor-elect, Wilson Witzel, from the Partido Social Cristão (Social Christian Party/PSC) was elected with a campaign focused on one of […]
The action lasted over 14 hours, leaving one dead, dozens of injured and thousands of angry citizens. As Rio de Janeiro’s military occupation reaches the 6 month mark, all analysis points to it’s colossal failure. Shootings have increased by 40%, there have been 2600 murders, and 736 people were killed by the police. The drug […]
On July 17th, a Rio de Janeiro judge sentenced 23 activists who participated in the June 2013 protests to prison sentences ranging from 5-7 years. Among the convicted is lawyer Eloisa Samy, who helped with their defense when they were initially arrested. In the following article, Dr. Ivana Bentes, Professor of Communications at Universidade Federal […]
Deaths in massacres have increased while arms apprehensions have dropped, according to data from the Candido Mendes University Center for Security and Citizenship Studies’ (CESeC) Military Intervention Observatory. Five months after the start of the Rio de Janeiro military occupation, a new study shows the resounding failure of the operation, which was decreed by President […]
On the night of March 18th, Alfredo Jacinto Mello was pulled out of his bar, the legendary Bip Bip in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, arrested by an armed, off duty highway policeman and taken to three police stations for the “crime” of giving a speech praising assassinated city councilwoman Marielle Franco. Alfredo does not drink […]
On March 14th in the Estácio area of Rio de Janeiro, Councilwoman Marielle Franco of the Socialism & Freedom Party (PSOL) was executed with 5 shots to the head. Her driver, Anderson Pedro Gomes, also died in the attack. Some witnesses say that they could not hear the shots, indicating that the excecution was committed with […]
When I first moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1991 tens of thousands of homeless families lived in cardboard boxes in Copacabana and locals would take a taxi to travel as little as one block to avoid being robbed by gangs of glue sniffing street children, many of whom would go on to be assassinated […]
In February 2017, ousted President Dilma Rousseff warned of a second, more radical and more repressive phase of the Coup d’état which removed her from office – akin to the “Institutional Acts” in the years following the Military Coup of 1964. General Sérgio Westphalen Etchegoyen, architect of the 2018 Federal Military Intervention in Rio de Janeiro, personally […]
The Central Unica de Trabalhadores (Unified Workers Central/CUT) is the largest union federation in Latin America, with around 8 million members. In January, working together with its social movement and union federation partners in the anti-coup coalitions Frente Brasil Popular and the Povo Sem Medo, it announced a general strike for February 19 against the […]
Rio Carnaval, 1964
Wonderful colour photographs of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnaval in 1964. Originally posted at [qpp]