Two manifestos circulated by North American and European Professors, Intellectuals and Students in support of their Brazilian counterparts, who face a wave of intimidation unseen since the Military Dictatorship of 1964-1985. Those working and studying in Brazilian Universities have our unequivocal solidarity – Editors. Manifesto by North American Professors We, intellectuals, professors, students and directors of academic institutions, proclaim our perplexity […]
Jair Messias Bolsonaro, infamous Brazilian congressman, already received dozens of not-so-flattering nouns and adjectives: homophobic, misogynist, racist, virulent, hateful – the most recent adjective was printed in the latest issue of openly right-wing magazine Veja: “a threat”. I mean, Veja is our Fox News. Our Fox News thinks Bolsonaro is too far right, even for […]
Update 7/10/17: The Campaign has issued a response to the person responsible for Bolsonaro’s invitation Dr. Mark Langevin, a specialist on US-Brazil energy relations and security, who had defended the move. Read the response here. On October 13, 2017, Jair Bolsonaro, who Glenn Greenwald called the World’s most hateful, misogynistic, elected official, is scheduled to […]
On August 18, Vice Brasil journalist and occasional Brasil Wire contributor Marie Declerq, broke the news that the Instituto Mises Brasil think tank, which receives funding from US libertarians, has published articles by Christopher Cantwell, the American Nazi who helped organize the Charlottesville Virginia protests. Cantwell made the news recently when he was filmed in […]
13 MAY 2017. The journalistic war promoted against me and president Lula is proof that the rise of authoritarianism has radically contaminated public opinion makers, such as Merval Pereira, who suggested I should be arrested today on Globo TV. Globo’s coverage, defending the arrest without due process of its political adversaries, strives to substitute the judiciary […]
UPDATE 3/10/17: Jair Bolsonaro has been prosecuted and fined R$50,000 for his racial slur against Quilombola communities. A campaign has been launched to urge George Washington University to cancel Bolsonaro’s scheduled appearance. On Monday the Clube Hebráica of Rio de Janeiro, a social and sports club for members of Rio’s Jewish community, hosted a speech […]
FASE – one of Brazil’s oldest and most respective Non-Governmental Organisations, have published this bulletin on the current situation in the country. Although Michel Temer’s government has brandished the old, worn out motto “Order and Progress,” day by day the country is undergoing a paradoxical combination of escalating repression against social movements with the mere […]
In October São Paulo voters went to the polls and threw out one of the World’s most progressive big city governments in favor of João Doria, from the conservative PSDB party. Doria, the former star of the Brazilian franchise of Donald Trump’s reality show, The Apprentice, campaigned on the vague promises of “cleaning up the […]
By Tiago Rodrigues Santos Since 1984, the MST (Movimento Sem Terra or Landless Rural Workers’ Movement) has voluntarily built 1500 public schools in its agrarian reform settlement villages in the Brasilian countryside. One highlight of this long process was the construction of its Florestan Fernandes National school, which contains a working organic farm and, through […]
A theatre play that mocks the violence of the Military Police was interrupted by the Military Police itself, indicative of a dark moment — Brazil’s flirtation with fascism. The play, titled “Blitz: The empire that never sleeps”, will face charges of “disrespect for national symbols”. One of the play’s crew noted that other types of censorship existed, […]