French politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the leftist movement France Insubmissa, has visited former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Curitiba, where he has been imprisoned since April 7 last year. Alongside former São Paulo Mayor Fernando Haddad, and former Senator Aloizio Mercadante, the former French Presidential candidate announced the creation of a new […]
Search: “Sergio Moro”
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The crimes that he himself reported should be enough to cause Justice Minister Sérgio Moro’s dismissal and imprisonment. His persistence in office and the explicit US government actions to protect him confirm that he is a central player in the hybrid war into which Brazil has plunged. By Antonio Martins From the heights of his […]
Lava Jato chief Sérgio Moro was never a superhero, despite Anglo media’s tireless attempts to portray him as one. By Brian Mier Now that the Intercept has revealed that the US Department of Justice/Curitiba Public Prosecutor’s cooperative Lava Jato (Car Wash) anti-corruption investigation’s primary goal was to destroy the Brazilian Workers party and usher in ultra-neoliberalism […]
The Intercept’s revelation that the Operation Car Wash team sabotaged the 2018 presidential elections shows what everyone already knew but couldn’t prove concretely: that the Lula conviction was a gigantic legal farce. In any nation that was even minimally civilized the case against Lula, as well as a good part of Operation Car Wash in […]
Right wing extremist Jair Bolsonaro’s Justice Minister violates article 120 of the Brazilian Criminal Code and denies Lula a right that was respected even during the repressive Military Dictatorship. by Brian Mier On January 29, Genival Inácio “Vavá” da Silva died of cancer at the age of 79. Vavá was former President Lula’s older brother and […]
Judge Sergio Moro’s Curitiba task force, its parallel power and four-year influence on Brazilian politics and economy. By Rodrigo Tacla Duran* Gag. In Portuguese it’s a feminine noun that is synonymous with a muzzle, cloth or any object put in the mouth to impede someone from speaking or screaming. It is also a verb that […]
Over the past three years the Lava Jato investigation has come under sharp criticism for its apparent refusal to prosecute any politician from the conservative PSDB party, despite mountains of material evidence showing tens of millions of dollars in bribes, while ex-President Lula languishes in solitary confinement for the crime of “undetermined acts” with no […]
Lava Jato investigation Prosecutor/Judge Sergio Moro is embroiled in a million dollar cash for sentence reduction scheme. For the past 2 years some of the most prestigious newspapers and think tanks in the US and Britain have uncritically hailed Lava Jato investigation judge and prosecutor Sergio Moro as an impartial hero in the fight against corruption. […]
Philosopher Djamila Ribeiro questioned Judge Sergio Moro about his position at the head of Operation Lava-Jato. The Prosecuting Judge participated yesterday (13/5) in a debate at the London School of Economics, with the presence of former Attorney General José Eduardo Cardozo. Cardozo said Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment was a coup based on accusations and was received with […]
US-trained former judge Sergio Moro becomes defendant in lawsuit that asks for him to pay for damage to the country caused by the joint US-Brazil anticorruption operation Lava Jato, which he led. Monica Bergamo in Folha de S.Paulo reports that disgraced former judge Sergio Moro has become a defendant in a lawsuit by Workers Party […]