The Brazilian military took over the state of Rio de Janeiro in 1964 and quickly consolidated its power in a national military coup that ended democratic rule for 25 years. At first, it allowed some democratic processes to continue. Street protests, labor unions and social movements were allowed to continue operating as usual and there […]
Category: FASCISM
On Friday, February 23, Federal Police raided the offices of Dr. Rafael Valim, a prominent academic and author of 20 books on legal theory. Although he was not charged with any crime, Police seized documents related to his private law firm. Valim is one of the most vocal critics of Judge/Prosecutor Sergio Moro and his […]
In a move adding to growing concerns about the state of Brazilian democracy and freedom of expression, Michel Temer’s Minister of Education, Mendonça Filho (DEM), has instructed the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the Federal Attorney General’s Office (AGU), the Federal Comptroller’s Office (CGU) and the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU) to investigate the new course “the 2016 […]
In February 2017, ousted President Dilma Rousseff warned of a second, more radical and more repressive phase of the Coup d’état which removed her from office – akin to the “Institutional Acts” in the years following the Military Coup of 1964. General Sérgio Westphalen Etchegoyen, architect of the 2018 Federal Military Intervention in Rio de Janeiro, personally […]
The Central Unica de Trabalhadores (Unified Workers Central/CUT) is the largest union federation in Latin America, with around 8 million members. In January, working together with its social movement and union federation partners in the anti-coup coalitions Frente Brasil Popular and the Povo Sem Medo, it announced a general strike for February 19 against the […]
By Laura Gontijo. Original version in Jornal O Homem Livre. In Honduras, the crisis which began with the coup d’état in 2009 continues and shows us what awaits Brazil following the coup of 2016. The entire process that culminated in Brazil’s coup first took place in Honduras on June 28, 2009. This was followed by Paraguay, Thailand, […]
Two manifestos circulated by North American and European Professors, Intellectuals and Students in support of their Brazilian counterparts, who face a wave of intimidation unseen since the Military Dictatorship of 1964-1985. Those working and studying in Brazilian Universities have our unequivocal solidarity – Editors. Manifesto by North American Professors We, intellectuals, professors, students and directors of academic institutions, proclaim our perplexity […]
Jair Messias Bolsonaro, infamous Brazilian congressman, already received dozens of not-so-flattering nouns and adjectives: homophobic, misogynist, racist, virulent, hateful – the most recent adjective was printed in the latest issue of openly right-wing magazine Veja: “a threat”. I mean, Veja is our Fox News. Our Fox News thinks Bolsonaro is too far right, even for […]
Update 7/10/17: The Campaign has issued a response to the person responsible for Bolsonaro’s invitation Dr. Mark Langevin, a specialist on US-Brazil energy relations and security, who had defended the move. Read the response here. On October 13, 2017, Jair Bolsonaro, who Glenn Greenwald called the World’s most hateful, misogynistic, elected official, is scheduled to […]
On August 18, Vice Brasil journalist and occasional Brasil Wire contributor Marie Declerq, broke the news that the Instituto Mises Brasil think tank, which receives funding from US libertarians, has published articles by Christopher Cantwell, the American Nazi who helped organize the Charlottesville Virginia protests. Cantwell made the news recently when he was filmed in […]