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As fascist mob violence against gays and leftists increases, 3 generals whose careers were forged during the Military Dictatorship are helping the Brazilian far-right candidate design an ultra-neoliberal governmental platform by Rafael Tatemoto* Brazilian army officers have been playing an increasing role the building of far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro’s platform. Three generals are now […]
The most fraught election since re-democratisation ended with extreme-right Jair Bolsonaro on 46,03%, short of a first round victory, to the relief of progressive democratic forces in Brasil and the region as a whole. As occured with Donald Trump’s election in the US and Brexit in the UK, polls uniformly failed to pick up a […]
Brazilian Economist Marcos Arruda, from the PACS Institute (Alternative Policies for the Southern Cone) in Rio de Janeiro, and the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam, makes a political economy analysis of possible scenarios in the 2018 presidential elections. by Marcos Arruda Understanding a very complex historical situation, like that of Brazil today, is not an easy […]
These are sombre times for Brasil. An election looms, its leading candidate is in jail on politically motivated charges, and has been withdrawn. His distant challenger now sits in first place. He is a fascist and a white supremacist, in a country with well over half of its population of African or Indigenous descent. To his supporters, Jair Bolsonaro’s rape […]
“No room for feelings” say Wall Street insiders as they back another Neofascist to deliver Neoliberalism, at the point of a gun, in the most resource-rich nation on earth. New York Times, July 1993. In an article called “Conversations/Jair Bolsonaro; A Soldier Turned Politician Wants To Give Brazil Back to Army Rule“, Journalist James Brooke […]
Selling strategic state-owned enterprises to private capital is a sensitive issue in Brazil’s upcoming elections This article has been reprinted, with authorization, from Brasil de Fato . Twenty years ago, on July 29th, 1998, the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange held an auction for the largest privatization move ever made in Brazil, selling 12 companies of then […]
By Gabriel Deslandes. The successive institutional crises of Brazil, along with the social chaos provoked by the economic crisis, installed a climate of an apparently unforseen collective mistrust which all conventional politicians seem to be engulfed in. Globo, whose responsibility in this was central, couldn’t be out of this conjuncture. The network, who never inspired […]
Analysis of Brazil’s conjuncture is rendered useless by pretense that the 2022 election is business as usual. On April 9 Brazil’s Workers Party (PT) and the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) held a special press conference. It was a quietly sensational event. After months of rumour and noise, it was the first official confirmation that Lula’s […]