Natalia Viana, editor from the respected Brazilian investigative journalism site Agência Pública, recently published a 5 part series based on information shared from leaked Telegram conversations revealed by Intercept Brasil as part of the Vaza Jato scandal. In the series, she shows how Lava Jato task force director, public prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, received financial compensation […]
In an important new investigation, journalist Natalia Viana of Agência Pública has revealed how, during Sergio Moro’s 15 month tenure as Justice and Security Minister under Jair Bolsonaro, he quickly enabled the US Federal bureau of investigation to drastically expand its activities and reach in Brazil. The report reveals meetings involving the representatives from other […]
Menezes, an economist who works for ActionAid and IBASE, says the data suggests Brazil will return to the UN World Hunger Map. The study, which will be released at the end of this month, raises new warnings. By Thiago Domenici* In 2014, Brazil left the list of countries in which over 5% of the population consume fewer […]
A network of Conservative Think-tanks & Foundations from the United States, such as Koch, Cato & Templeton, are financing young Latin Americans to fight Left Governments and defend old positions with a new language. “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior […]