Through a series of coordinated, limited statements, the United States appears to be distancing itself from Brazilian neofascist president Bolsonaro, the coup-threatened coming election, and its own involvement in the disgraced anti-corruption operation which brought Bolsonaro to power in the first place. This article was updated on 10/5/22 with new relevant information. As then reported […]
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In a White House ‘Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on the Fight Against Corruption’, a Biden administration official admitted that the CIA and other parts of the U.S. intelligence apparatus were involved in assisting the “War on Corruption” which jailed former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and elected Jair Bolsonaro. Read the […]
Last Friday, Jair Bolsonaro decided to make a confusing and incriminating statement in reaction to the departure of his Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro. For forty minutes, TV viewers watched the largely improvised speech in astonishment, as the sound of panelaço protest echoed around Brazil’s towns and cities. Read the full transcript of the Brazilian President’s […]
In September 2019, Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araújo met US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington D.C. and the pair announced a new U.S.-Brazil bilateral agreement to open up the Amazon Rainforest to private sector development. Araújo called the agreement “…the Holy Grail of Brazil’s foreign policy, at least for the private sector”. Behind […]
In October 1969 General Emílio Garrastazu Médici assumed the Brazilian Presidency. Whilst measured at that time by a specious economic “miracle” which failed to touch the majority of the population, his tenure would be the most brutal phase of 1964-85 Military rule, marked by a surge in political repression, torture, summary execution and censorship. At […]
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It is simply the most important geopolitical story of recent times. Documents leaked to the Intercept have led to the exposure of ostensible anti-corruption Operation Lava Jato (Carwash) as a means to rig Brazil’s 2018 election, and worse still, which was carried out in conjunction with the United States Government. And this is only the […]
On April 27, Brasil Wire co-editor Brian Mier was interviewed by Chuck Mertz of Chicago Radio Show This is Hell, about new book ‘Year of Lead: Washington, Wall Street and the New Imperialism in Brazil‘, which deals with the events, processes, and foreign interference which have brought the Latin American nation to its grave moment. […]
By Ana Keila Mosca Pinezi The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus or IURD) is a complex that involves a media empire not only aimed at propagating its religious and moral precepts and proselytizing, but also expressing the extraordinary growth of the Evangelicals in Brazil, especially that of […]
On March 18, Brazil’s extreme-right President Jair Bolsonaro made history. Outside the official agenda of his first official trip to the United States he paid a visit to CIA Headquarters, becoming the first ever Brazilian President to do so. In contrast, Bolsonaro has never visited ABIN, Brazil’s moribund equivalent of the CIA. On the agenda, it is […]