Brasil’s most iconic songwriter Antônio Carlos Jobim died this week 20 years ago. Lost Sambista Richard Klein picks his favourite moments from the web. Richard’s new book Lost Samba is serialised and available for free on Brasil Wire.
Author: Richard Klein
Lost Samba's author. British and Brazilian by birth, economist by study, visual effects artist by profession, author by stubbornness
In the late 1970’s there was a surge of instrumental music, not only in Brazil, and a lot of amazing talent appeared filling up concert venues and shining a completely new light on Brazilian music or giving a local taste to foreign genres. Here is a list of eight bands and musicians that were part […]
Os Nordestinos!
In The 1970’s, while the military dictatorship was crumbling and before the economic crisis of the 1980’s kicked in, Brasil had a happy interlude; post-tropicalism, a vivid, unique & independent rock culture emerged, and artists from the Nordeste took over the charts. Richard Klein presents his 8 essential artists of this moment. Alceu Valenca With […]