
An Important Message To Our Readers

To all our readers,

In August 2014, a small group of commentators, bloggers, academics, journalists and activists founded Brasil Wire, out of concern for what appeared to be happening in the country. Elections were looming, the atmosphere was tense, and we were particularly concerned about how it would be reported in the English language media. Those concerns were vindicated by what has happened since.

The site has since expanded to a group of around 50 voluntary contributors, and has published nearly 300 articles and video pieces in its 30 months of operation.

We have broken stories and published exclusives on subjects in English that regular media organisations simply can not or will not cover, and given an international platform to ignored sectors of Brasil’s society. Our independent analysis anticipated many of the events of the past two years. We have also put ourselves at personal, and even physical risk, with some of the events and topics we have covered.

However, what we now must do, with 18 months to the next Brazilian General elections, is ask for your help. Brasil Wire has simply reached the limits of what it can produce without resources.

Since 2014 we have not received, nor sought, any funding besides small donations from readers. Editorial independence is crucial to this project and formal funding usually comes at a steep editorial price.

To independently cover what is now the most unstable period in half a century of Brazilian history, we need your assistance.

What we request is that if you think our work is valuable, that you consider making a donation, even if only a token amount.

It goes without saying that if you are not in the position to make a donation we ask only that you continue to read, watch, and importantly, to share our material, far and wide.

Thank you for your support

Editors, Brasil Wire.

There are two ways you can donate to Brasil Wire to help keep its independent reporting alive, by regular micro-donation through the Patreon platform or you can now also support with Bitcoin donations: 1D9pg479aCkcg4F2DZt4S7tx9zqRXbDof2
