
Wagner Moura: Legality & Democracy

To support the Law is not the same as supporting the Government, to support the Government is not the same as supporting Corruption. It is not intellectually honest to say that government supporters, or those who are simply against impeachment, are also in favour of Corruption.

Although I’m afraid of the blind hatred towards a government that saved millions of Brazilians from extreme poverty and gave them opportunities the poor have never had in this country, I don’t deny, despite these achievements, evidence that the PT (Workers Party) set up a power project supported by a corruption scheme. This has to be investigated, in a democratic and impartial manner.

I’ve made numerous public criticisms of the government in the last five years. Brazil is experiencing a recession that threatens recent social achievements. The Economy is paralyzed and there is no money to fund the social policies that changed the face of the country. And nobody is more responsible for this scenario than the current government itself.

The disintegration of progressive ideas, which traditionally gravitate around a Left party, is also a reflection of the moral decay of the PT, as well as the growing popularity of fascist politicians such as Jair Bolsonaro (Former military Congressman, homophobe, against same-sex marriage, supporter of gun rights and other ultra-conservative ideas).

It is possible that the Left will pay for it at the next elections. I’ll regret that, but it will be democratic.

What is underway in Brazil today, however, is a vindictive attempt to anticipate the 2018 elections and overthrow by force, via politicized judiciary, a government elected by 54 million votes. A classic coup. 

Brazil is experiencing a Police State motivated by political hatred. Judge Sergio Moro (who conducts Operation Lava Jato/Car Wash, which is investigating corruption scandals related to State Oil company Petrobras) is a Judge who acts as Prosecutor. His investigations have abused enshrined rights to privacy and the presumption of innocence.

Moro’s actions include (directly and indirectly) media circus arrests, pre-condemnations, public lynchings, questionable wiretapped phone calls and selective information leaked to a media controlled by five families who never tolerated former president Lula’s rise to power.

You, like me, would like corruption to be investigated and that corrupt politicians go to jail but you cannot surrender to the “anything goes” typical of totalitarian states. This is to fight one mistake with another.

Left and right-wing governments have carried out brutality in the name of morality all over the world.

Fighting corruption was also the motto used by supporters of the 1964 Military Coup in Brazil.

I shiver when I hear someone saying we need to “clean up” Brazil. This stupid idea that “cleansing” the country of a political party will stop corruption reminds me of other terrible “cleansings” in world’s history. These “sanitizers” believe they are above the law, since they belong to a “noble crusade for morality”.

If you are against corruption and want Brazil to be run by Vice-President Michel Temer (PMDB), you should know that the impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff was accepted based on so-called “Pedaladas Fiscais” (A public accounting trick, used by all Presidents & Governors), and not at all related to the notorious Petrobras corruption scandal.

An impeachment with no proven “crime of responsibility” against the President is unconstitutional.

Dilma Rousseff is not on the Odebrecht list (Construction giant’s list of political donations which was leaked, then suddenly classified by Judge Sergio Moro), yet many who seek her removal are listed. An impeachment process conducted by a politician like Eduardo Cunha (Lower house speaker, being investigated for money laundering & bribery), motivated not by conscience, but by political retribution, is theatre of the absurd.

Last week, Supreme Court Minister Gilmar Mendes promoted a seminar in Lisbon, inviting many of the main opposition leaders in Brazil, such as senators Aécio Neves and José Serra (from the main opposition Party, PSDB). It was a strange move, at the very least. And the photo of another PSDB leader, João Doria with Lava Jato Judge Moro was inappropriate, at best. 

If you also see bias within the realm of these investigations it doesn’t mean you are a government supporter, far less a corruption supporter.

Although TV does not show it, there are many people asking the same questions you are. 

WAGNER MOURA, 39, is  an actor with leading roles in “Tropa de Elite” (2007) e “Tropa de Elite 2” (2010), “Elysium” (2013) and more recently Netflix production “Narcos”.
Original version in Portuguese: Folha de São Paulo. Foto: Bob Wolfenson.