The far right Bolsonaro administration may be gearing up to frame journalist Glenn Greenwald, from the Intercept , who recently revealed social media conversations showing collusion between Lava Jato judge Sérgio Moro (currently working as President Bolsonaro’s Justice Minister), public prosecutors and members of the Supreme Court during the conviction of former President Lula. A sensationalist, right-wing website from Moro’s home state of Paraná claims to have discovered “the Greenwald crime handbook” on the so-called “deep web”. This story is being tweeted out is if it were a serious news story by Bolsonaro’s Women, Family and Human Rights Minister Damares Alves and other right wing extremists connected to the federal government.

Glenn Greenwald may soon become a target of new government lawfare attack because a story claiming to have discovered “the Greenwald crime manual”, which in normal situations would be classified as fake news, has already been tweeted out by two of Jair Bolsonaro’s main allies, Minister Damares Alves and Congressman Felipe Francischini, to their 800,000 followers.
Published on the website Agora Paraná, the article says that “journalist Oswaldo Eustaquio plunged into Intercept’s hell on the Deep Web and discovered the Greenwald crime manual.” The report does not provide evidence of any crime committed by Greenwald or any other journalist from the Intercept. Nevertheless, the fact that is is being tweeted out as news by key members of the Bolsonaro government has some worried that the government may be on the verge of a new lawfare attack against the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist.
This article originally ran in 247, was translated and adapted by Brian Mier, and can be seen in its original Portuguese here.