“Lula’s imprisonment one of the worst mistakes in Brazil’s legal history,” wrote Justice Dias Toffoli in ruling which lowers the final curtain on US-orchestrated Car Wash/Lava Jato Investigation, which helped remove President Dilma Rousseff, jailed her likely successor Lula, and elected neofascist Jair Bolsonaro.
What the Aftermath of January 8 Tells Us about Brazilian Democracy By Bryan Pitts Sunday, January 8, the world watched, horrified, as hordes of supporters of Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro broke into Congress, the presidential palace, and the Supreme Court in Brasília. They sprayed graffiti, smashed priceless art and furniture, and assaulted janitors. Convinced […]
Margaret Kimberly interviews Brian Mier on the Jan. 8th invasion of Brazilian Congress, Supreme Court and Presidential Palace On January 8, 2023 thousands of supporters of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro attacked and vandalized that nation’s Congress, Supreme Court, and presidential palace in the capital of Brasilia. Bolsonaro claims that election fraud was responsible for […]
By Sean T. Mitchell for NACLA Despite the Brazilian Amazon’s importance to the global climate, Brazil’s lame-duck president, the far-right Jair Bolsonaro, was not one of the many heads-of-state to attend the United Nations Climate Conference COP27, which took place in November. Instead, Brazil’s president-elect, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil’s left-wing Workers’ Party […]
Lula’s Inauguration Speech
”I want to begin by giving a special greeting to each and every one of you, a way of remembering and repaying the affection and strength that I received every day from the Brazilian people represented by the Lula Livre vigil, in one of the most difficult moments of my life. Today, in one of […]
Steve Ellner says opposition to NATO’s stance on Ukraine has created fertile ground for the expansion of a bloc of non-aligned nations, now with a progressive possibly at the helm. By Steve Ellner for Consortium News President Joe Biden kept a promise to Lula da Silva by congratulating him for “free, fair and credible” elections minutes after Sunday’s […]
Bye-Bye, Bolsonaro
Bolsonaro looks at Donald Trump and Bolivia’s Jeanine Áñez and understands the risks he now faces. By Emir Sader* The operation to block the Workers Party from continuing to govern Brazil was monstrous. Jair Bolsonaro installed a neoliberal model to guarantee support of business leaders, incorporating support from evangelical Christians. He employed the most violent […]
Like the phoenix, Lula, who led the best government in Brazilian history, has returned in an extraordinary manner to save us from bolsonarista neo-fascism and to pacify and rebuild the country – a herculean, heroic task which only he can lead. by Marcelo Zero Lula’s historic victory was a front-page story in the World’s leading […]
Translation of the speech given by Luis Inácio Lula da Silva immediately after confirmation that he was the new president elect of the Federative Republic of Brazil. ”My friends, We have reached the end of one of the most important elections in our history. An election that put two opposing projects for the country face […]
Lost in international jubilation that has met Lula da Silva’s incredible political comeback are the sheer financial scale of what he had to defeat, and the makeup of a new re-organised progressive coalition he now leads – which will change Brazil’s politics for a generation. By Alex Fleck The Worker’s Party in Brazil has just […]