
Lava Jato acted like a “death squad” and “put Stasi to shame” says Supreme Court Judge

In an interview with UOL, Supreme Court Judge Gilmar Mendes has launched a scathing attack on Sérgio Moro and the Operation Lava Jato task force.

The judge compared the Lava Jato task force in Curitiba to “a group of death squads, totally outside legal parameters.

Mendes demanded a political response: “As we saw, it was a threat to democracy. In the end there was a ‘Lava Jato party’, they were interfering in the political process, they were arresting a candidate and defining the election, all in a combined game. They put the East German Police, the Stasi, to shame.”

“There was no doubt [about the influence of Lavajatismo on the 2018 election], but it has nothing to do with the Bolsonaro government today. Lavajatismo involves these actions and your participation, the media, because without the relationship between media and these actors, this would not have happened. Certainly the media was fed by this [Lava Jato’s] information”, said Mendes.

Mendes concludes that “The impression that remains is that Moro was the real head of operation Lava Jato….” and that Lava Jato operated “in the stratosphere, without supervision” from the authorities.
