As a series of widely publicized corruption accusations against former President Luis “Lula” Inacio da Silva fail to pan out, the local and international press continue to give much larger coverage to the charges than the subsequent proof of innocence. Most of these charges have been raised and dropped by a Parana-based federal judge, Sergio […]
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A theatre play that mocks the violence of the Military Police was interrupted by the Military Police itself, indicative of a dark moment — Brazil’s flirtation with fascism. The play, titled “Blitz: The empire that never sleeps”, will face charges of “disrespect for national symbols”. One of the play’s crew noted that other types of censorship existed, […]
“Do we want to serve a snake? Brazil is not a Snake Republic!” – Janaína Paschoal These words were of Janaína Paschoal, the lawyer who wrote the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff with other two lawyers (Helio Bicudo and Miguel Reale Júnior). More than words, the role played by Paschoal was similar to the neo-pentecostal cults. […]
The activist group Democracy for Brasil UK met with the Latin community and the leader of the British Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn on Saturday April 30th (eve of the May 1 Workers Day celebrations) at the Momentum Latino launch in London. It denounced the attempted Coup taking place in Brazil through a speech and meeting at a passionate event aimed at engaging the Latin Community with various social movements in […]
To support the Law is not the same as supporting the Government, to support the Government is not the same as supporting Corruption. It is not intellectually honest to say that government supporters, or those who are simply against impeachment, are also in favour of Corruption. Although I’m afraid of the blind hatred towards a […]
A momentous week in Brasil was also one where the dominant international narrative shifted from widespread depiction of a “Heroic Impartial Anti-Corruption Campaign” (If you question the method you’re defending thieves) & “Spontaneous, Popular, Patriotic Anti-Government Uprising” (If you question mass media incitement & foreign funding you’re denying agency) to one which described that what […]
A última semana foi crucial na cobertura da imprensa internacional sobre a crise política no Brasil. O discurso sobre a “heroica e imparcial campanha contra a corrupção” (afinal de contas, questionar o combate à corrupção é defender ladrões) e em “manifestações espontâneas, populares e patrióticas contra o governo” (falar na convocação feita pela mídia dominante […]
Lula da Silva is placed at the disposal of justice. A police apparatus was set up to coerce the former president to testify under the cross-hairs of the mainstream media, Globo, which supported the 1964 Coup and subsequent dictatorship. Pedro Serrano, professor at PUC-SP and constitutional law scholar notes that this action against Lula is […]
Every so often, the bourgeois political system runs into crisis. The machinery of the state jams; the veils of consent are torn asunder and the tools of power appear disturbingly naked. Brazil is living through one of those moments: it is dreamland for social scientists; a nightmare for everyone else. Dilma Rousseff was elected President […]
It’s been some time since I last waded into the political unrest in Brazil, in part because, in the first few months of the year, other matters had gained increasing focus/importance in Brazil. Certainly, the Zika outbreak brought considerable attention and resources; likewise, the Brazilian economy continued to worsen. Meanwhile, the impeachment process that opposition […]