The veteran congresswoman and civil rights leader speaks about her role in the 2020 municipal elections and the record number of newly elected Afro-Brazilian city councilors and mayors. By Brian Mier Brazil’s 2020 municipal elections were marked by huge loses for the far right, big gains for the center right and moderate gains for the […]
“We view the state of Parana as a laboratory for all of Bolsonaro’s worst ideas,” says Dartora, who is the first Afro-Brazilian woman elected in the 327 year history of the Curitiba City Council. With Brian Mier Curitiba, center of the US DOJ and FBI-backed Lava Jato investigation, has a reputation as a very conservative […]
The murder of João Alberto Silveira Freitas by security guards at a Carrefour supermarket in Porto Alegre triggered mass protests on Black Consciousness Day, as Vice President General Hamilton Mourão told journalists that “racism does not exist” in Brazil. By Brasil de Fato. Protesters attacked a unit of French supermarket chain Carrefour, at about 5 pm on […]
By Claudia Webbe MP At the time of writing (August 26), Brazil has the second most cases (3,622,861) and deaths (115,309) from Coronavirus in the world. Many health experts believe these already horrendous figures are a massive under-reporting of the real situation. Despite this devastation, Brazil’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro has continually taken an extreme […]
“There is no democracy, there is no functioning citizenship, there is no basic humanity while there is hunger.” On one of his final podcasts on July 14th, Michael Brooks made a plea to end hunger. The following is a transcript of that monologue, edited for readibility. By Michael Brooks Let’s talk about ending hunger. I […]
Frei Betto is a Brazilian writer, philosopher, liberation theologian, and Dominican friar. Involved in Brazil’s emancipatory struggles for decades, Betto was imprisoned for four years under the Military dicatatorship for helping its victims escape abroad. More recently he has been heavily involved in the battle to eradicate hunger in his country. He has made a personal […]
By Rafael R. Ioris. This article originally appeared at COHA and is republished with permission. Confirming what scientists had been saying for the last several years, a new global pandemic has brought the entire world to a halt in the last three months. The rapid spreading of a new form of Coronavirus, called COVID-19, has […]
By Felipe Milanez and Samuel Vida Tragedies are always socially unequal and expose in a striking way historically constructed inequalities, for example in the degree of exposure to risks and the way vulnerabilities are shaped. The new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus is a non-human agent from a zoonosis that infects people and causes respiratory infections; it was […]
An Interview with Dr. Eliana Sousa Silva, Director of Redes da Maré. By Brian Mier One of tourists’ first impressions of Rio de Janeiro is the sprawling cluster of favelas sandwiched between Avenida Brasil and the Red Line highway that stretches from the foot of the bridge from Cidade Universitãrio to the neighborhood of Manguinhos […]
“No room for sentiment” said Wall Street insiders in 2018, as their man Jair Bolsonaro ascended to the Brazilian Presidency. In the face of Coronavirus, Brazil’s people are now living with the deadly consequences of that collusion. In a televised speech during the evening of March 24 2020, as the sound of Panelaço protests reverberated around […]