By Rosa Gauditano There are currently 305 tribes in Brazil, totalling around 900,000 indigenous people that speak 274 different languages. The covid-19 pandemic has so far reached 71 tribes, according to APIB (Association of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil). By the 26th May, 1350 individuals had been infected and 147 had died. Currently, the epicentre of […]
Author: Rosa Gauditano
Rosa Gauditano is a photographer, journalist and activist. She has registered indigenous people of the most varied ethnicities and regions in Brazil for over 30 years. Rosa has already documented the Karajá, Kayapó,Tucano, Waurá, Yanomami, Xavante, Guarani and Pankarau ethnic groups. In 2004, in partnership with the Xavante ethnic group, she created Nossa Tribo (Our Tribe), an NGO whose aim is to build bridge between cities to indigenous villages. She taught photography at PUC (Catholic University of São Paulo) and worked for the Folha de São Paulo newspaper and Veja. She is the author of the following books: Indios. Os Primeiros Habitantes, Raízes do Povo Xavante, Festas de Fé, Guarani M’Byá na Cidade de São Paulo and Povos Indígenas no Brasil.