In 1947 LIFE Magazine published an extensive feature on the “New York of the South”, São Paulo. Here are those Dmitri Kessel photographs in full. (Source: Skyscrapercity). [qpp]
Category: CITIES
This week the São Paulo Bienal Pavilion opens its doors to another edition of one of the largest art exhibitions in the country, and one of the most important in the world, along with Venice Biennale and Documenta in Germany. But this year it comes with an added novelty that only makes it more unmissable. Curated by […]
A collaboration between nomadic underground event Voodoohop & a who’s who of SP counterculture, with a little help from the Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo, the first SP na Rua transformed the city centre, usually empty at night, into an unmissable explosion of art, sound & colour. The second, part of the Independent Culture Month, […]
2013 Version [videoembed type=”youtube” url=””]